Content MarketingLaw Firms

What Topics Should Your Firm Cover On Its Personal Injury Blog in 2024?

What Topics Should Your Firm Cover On Its Personal Injury Blog?

Consistently publishing informative and well-written blog articles is one of the most effective ways for personal injury law firms to improve their organic search rankings. Publishing articles that provide useful information in language that is professional yet easy to understand is also more likely to turn website visitors into clients. This means that you need to choose the right personal injury blog topics to cover.

So, what should you write about on your personal injury law firm’s blog in 2024?

When we write blog articles for personal injury law firms, we take an organized and systematic approach focused on covering topics in a variety of different areas. Within each of these areas, we then choose personal injury blog topics that are (i) relevant to our client’s specific practice areas, and (ii) focused on the law in our client’s state.

While you might find that you quickly run out of topics to cover on your law firm’s blog, we have written articles for many personal injury law firms for years. By researching the relevant topic areas and staying up to date on the law (and relying on our extensive experience), we are consistently able to come up with engaging and informative topics to cover.

5 Key Types of Articles for Personal Injury Law Firm Blogs in 2024

Rather than focusing on “personal injury blog topics” as a singular entity, we break this down into five different focus areas. Here are the types of articles we will be writing for personal injury law firms in 2024:

1. Core Content for Personal Injury Blogs

All personal injury blogs need a solid base of core content. These are articles that cover the basics of what accident victims know—and, yes, they are the same types of articles that you will see on most personal injury law firms’ websites.

But, there is a reason why this is the case. When people need help in the immediate aftermath of an accident, they tend to have the same types of questions. What are my rights? What do I need to do to protect my rights? How much am I entitled to recover?

Focusing on the types of questions that your prospective clients are asking is one of the most effective ways to generate leads from your personal injury law firm’s blog. With this in mind, good topics for core content on personal injury blogs include things like:

  • What to do (and what not to do) after an accident
  • How to determine if you may have a personal injury claim
  • What to expect (and what not to expect) from an insurance claim
  • Contributory fault or comparative negligence
  • Contingency fees and other aspects of personal injury representation

These are just examples. We write lots of core content articles for personal injury law firms. While we will usually emphasize these types of topics initially because of their importance, we also cover core content topics for our personal injury clients on an ongoing basis.

2. Focused Content for Personal Injury Blogs

The next category is what we refer to as “focused content.” In this category, we write series of articles that cover specific topics of interest comprehensively in a structured and cohesive manner. Some examples of focused content we might write for your personal injury law firm include:

  • A series of articles about a particular type of accident (i.e., a series of articles on distracted driving accidents or drunk driving accidents)
  • A series of articles about types of accident-related injuries
  • A series of articles about a particular type of accident-related injury
  • Articles for specific audiences (i.e., articles about construction accidents or filing a claim as a rideshare driver)
  • Articles about specific aspects of the recovery process (i.e., articles about what to expect during the insurance claims process or how to manage your health and finances post-settlement)

These are good personal injury blog topics for a few reasons. First, they allow firms to cover areas of interest to accident victims in detail. Not only does this provide more value to potential clients, but it also helps with organic SEO. Second, they allow firms to target specific subsets of potential clients, which provides a more personalized feel and opens up new organic SEO opportunities. Third, relatively few personal injury law firms take this approach. As a result, there is less competition for rankings, and this can provide a boost in rankings (and website traffic) as well.

3. Timely Content for Personal Injury Blogs

We also write timely content for personal injury blogs. This includes articles on updates in the law and other relevant current events. Some examples of topics we have covered for personal injury law firms in the past include:

  • Changes to comparative negligence laws
  • Changes to personal injury statutes of limitations
  • Changes in auto insurance laws and other insurance laws
  • Court decisions that have implications for accident victims’ legal rights
  • Investigations and news reports involving potential claims (i.e., product recalls, building collapses, and COVID-19 onboard cruise ships)

Obviously, we can only cover these topics when they come up. But, when they do come up, covering them quickly and comprehensively can be key to ranking highly on Google. While some of these articles can become core content (i.e., an article on a new statute of limitations), others may only be relevant for a limited amount of time. Even so, they can be well worth covering.

4. Ancillary Topics of Interest for Accident Victims and Their Families

Our fourth category of personal injury blog topics is what we refer to as “ancillary topics.” These are topics that do not relate to accidents, injuries, or claims specifically, but still cover information that accident victims need to know—and that they are likely to be searching for online. Here are some examples:

  • The tax implications of receiving a personal injury settlement
  • How do tell your employer that you need time off due to an injury
  • Employees’ rights when they need time off due to an injury
  • Tips for managing the stress of living with the effects of a serious accident
  • Dealing with estate administration following a loved one’s wrongful death

Just like all of the articles we write, we thoroughly research these topics (and we also rely on our experience writing for tax, employment, estate planning, and other law firms). We link to authoritative sources that verify all of the information we include—not only to reassure our clients, but to help with their organic SEO as well. When publishing legal website content, including links to government websites, academic websites, and other reputable sources adds to the content’s authoritativeness (at least according to Google), and this provides organic SEO benefits.

5. Comprehensive Guides for Accident Victims and Their Families

Along with writing standard-length blog articles (which are typically 1,000 or 1,500 words), we also write comprehensive guides. These aren’t part of our standard monthly content plans, but they are worthwhile investments for personal injury law firms.

Our comprehensive guides (which are typically 5,000 words or more) are well-organized resources that either cover a group of related topics or cover a specific topic in depth. For example, comprehensive guides that we might write for your personal injury law firm include:

  • Everything You Need to Know After a Car Accident in [State]
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Legal Rights After an Accident in [State]
  • A Step-By-Step Guide to Maximizing Your Recovery After an Accident in [State]
  • How Much Can You Recover After a Car Accident in [State]? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
  • What Accident Victims Need to Know About Auto Insurance in [State]

Once again, these are just examples. We have written numerous comprehensive guides, and each one has been unique and custom-tailored to the firm’s state and areas of practice. Well-written and well-organized comprehensive guides tend to rank relatively well because they check all of the boxes for Google’s “people first” SEO guidelines. They also tend to have relatively high conversion rates, because they speak to the right audience and demonstrate the firm’s understanding and knowledgeability.

What Should You Not Write About on Your Personal Injury Blog?

So, those are some examples of good personal injury blog topics. Now, what should you not write about on your personal injury law firm’s blog?

One of the biggest mistakes we see law firms (and other content marketing agencies) make is writing articles that target the wrong audience. For example, articles that cover auto accident and truck accident statistics are extremely common. But, if someone needs a personal injury lawyer, they aren’t going to be searching for data. Instead, they are going to be looking for the information they need to make informed decisions about their next steps.

To be clear, these types of articles can get clicks (and this is why some agencies write them). But, how many of these clicks are from potential clients? The answer is, “Not many.” More often than not, the people who are searching for statistics are students or content writers who have no need for your firm’s services.

This is just one example. When choosing personal injury blog topics, it is important to think about who is likely to be searching for the information you are providing. If your answer is anyone other than accident victims and their family members, then you are most likely on the wrong track.

Can (and Should) Personal Injury Law Firms Use AI to Write Their Blog Articles in 2024?

Using AI to write law firm website content has been a recent topic of discussion. Artificial intelligence is fast—and some AI tools are free—and this might make it seem like using AI to write your firm’s blog articles is a good idea.

But, it isn’t.

At least currently, there are lots of issues with using AI to write content for your law firm. While we don’t use AI at all, we recently asked ChatGPT to write an article on what to do after a car accident in Florida. It didn’t go well. Not only were there numerous issues with the quality of the writing, but, even more importantly, the article was inaccurate in many respects. It gave bad advice about dealing with the insurance companies, and it incorrectly stated Florida’s statute of limitations as four years from the date of an accident when Florida reduced this to two years in 2023.

How Can Personal Injury Law Firms Write Blog Articles that Generate Business Online?

At the end of the day, you’re reading this because you want to generate more business for your personal injury law firm online. So, how do you do it?

Choosing the right personal injury blog topics is truly one of the most important steps. There are two key reasons why:

  • Choosing the right topics will give your firm the opportunity to show up in relevant search results; and,
  • Writing articles that speak to your intended audience will improve your rate of turning website visitors into clients.

With some types of websites, traffic is all that matters. But, personal injury law firms (and all law firms) need to drive relevant traffic to their websites. If your readers have no intention of hiring you, your blog isn’t going to generate business. But, if you can attract prospective clients to your firm’s website and then give them the insights and confidence they need to pick up the phone, then you will start to see real and measurable results over time.

At Smart Content, we help personal injury law firms generate business online. We have extensive experience writing articles and other website content on personal injury topics, and our SEO Director has more than a decade of experience working with law firms to enhance their online presence. If you want to attract more clients online in 2024, we encourage you to contact us today.

Need Professionally Written Content for Your Personal Injury Blog? Contact Us Today

Are you interested in regularly publishing informative, engaging and SEO-optimized articles on your personal injury law firm’s blog? If so, we can help. Tell us how we can reach you to get started.